TensarTech® RockWall™ Gabion Rock Cage Retaining Wall System

70°-85° Face Batter Range
3Component System
50%Minimum Saving Compared to Gravity Gabion Structure Component System
  • Rockfill gabion-faced reinforced soil retaining wall system
  • The attractive look of rockfill gabions wall cages at a lower cost
  • Value-engineered design by Tensar’s experienced team.
  • Rigorously tested for stability, durability and load-bearing capacity

Need a rock cage retaining wall design for your project?

Tensar’s design team can produce a FREE “Application Suggestion” to illustrate what Tensar can achieve and how much value you can add to your project.

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TensarTech RockWall is a rock cage retaining wall system for many earth retaining structures. It offers the attractive look of steel wire and stone from a traditional retaining gabion wall, but typically at a lower cost than a mass gabion structure.

Our innovative gabion retaining wall system uses a single, narrow rock cage basket at the face and (often site-won) soil fill material behind, which is reinforced with Tensar uniaxial geogrids. This solution brings substantial cost and time-saving benefits to your project:

  • Fast and easy to install
  • Natural rock facing blends well with the environment and adapts easily to different landscape
  • High-strength geogrid reinforcement ensures long-term durability
  • Minimal maintenance required
  • Requires less excavation and foundation preparation
  • Uses sustainable materials and reduces carbon footprint.
System Components

The prefabricated galvanised steel cage-facing units of Tensar's rock cage retaining wall systems have been specially designed for face angles between 70˚ and 85˚. The face units are securely connected to the Tensar geogrid soil reinforcement using Tensar’s polymer bodkin joint rather than relying on friction alone, ensuring the gabion retaining wall structure remains permanently stable. 

To support you, our rock cage retaining wall system solution includes advice, training and services from Tensar’s design and on-site teams, pre-construction drawings and installation guidance (including state-of-the-art software), and three specific products. These are the Tensar uniaxial geogrid reinforcement (independently BBA certified) and the welded wire units and polymer bodkin connectors, making it an efficient gabion retaining wall solution.

Single Source Retaining Gabion Wall Systems

The components of the TensarTech Rockwall system have been specifically designed to work together for optimum efficiency and performance. Galfen-coated welded wire gabion retaining wall cages, high-strength polymer bodkin connectors, and Tensar uniaxial geogrids work together to form a reinforced soil and rock cage retaining wall system that meets or exceeds the industry standard. 

This innovative rock retaining wall solution is backed by Tensar’s experienced engineers, who use our sophisticated TensarSoil software to provide everything from free application suggestions to a full design and supply service. 

Simple and Rapid Rock Cage Retaining Wall Construction 

Contractors appreciate the ease of installation of TensarTech rock cage retaining wall systems. 

  • The facing requires no heavy lifting equipment. 
  • The cage unit geometry makes placement and alignment of the facing straightforward
  • The placement of the geogrid reinforcement and connection to the retaining gabion wall cage units requires no specialist skills. 

Diverse & Flexible Structural and Landscape Options  

Whether you’re increasing usable land or improving property value, the TensarTech Rockwall system can solve your most challenging rock cage retaining wall requirements. From building large structural walls to small, tiered garden installations, Tensar’s retaining rock gabion walls can blend effortlessly with the natural surroundings of any site.



Design Software for Rock Cage Retaining Wall Systems

The TensarSoil design program allows the design engineer to produce designs for rock cage gabion retaining walls, as well as reinforced soil walls, slopes and bridge abutments. The software allows engineers to determine stability data and material costs instantly.

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