Tensar® Glasstex®Grid-R

2 Biaxial Grid, Strength in Two Directions
0.9 Kg/M2 of Residual Bitumen Bond Coat Required
1 Primary Function of Reinforcement
  • One of a range of Tensar of asphalt interlayer products
  • Tensar has over 30 years of experience with asphalt interlayers
  • GlasstexGrid-R interlayer provides a reinforcement function to asphalt pavements
  • This glass grid asphalt reinforcement product controls cracking in asphalt to extend pavement life
  • High-stiffness coated grid that absorbs stress at low strain levels.

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Tensar GlasstexGrid-R is a low-profile interlayer product comprising a coated grid of glass filament bundles, bonded to a very lightweight non-woven backing fabric. The high-modulus glass filaments provide high stress absorption at low strains, delivering a reinforcement function as defined by EN 15381. The polymer-modified coating provides protection and stability to the glass yarn grid. The lightweight backing fabric is only present to assist with adhesion during installation and subsequently permits intimate contact between the overlying asphalt reinforcement grid and the underlying surface.

Product Range

Tensar® Glasstex®Grid-R is currently available in 2 types of strength: R120 and R60. Download the Spec Sheets below to read more about the product information.

The Benefits of Tensar GlasstexGrid-R

Tensar GlasstexGrid-R asphalt reinforcement extends pavement life up to 300% and provides 50% reduction in future investment costs. 

Other benefits of this glass grid asphalt pavement reinforcement product include: 

  • Controls reflective cracking in overlays, which can begin after rutting in the road
  • Mitigates longitudinal cracking between new and existing lanes on widened roads Bond asphalt layer 
  • Strong durability to traffic of construction 
  • Easy to install efficiently 
  • Improve waterproofing and drainage

How does Tensar GlasstexGrid-R control cracking?

The product is composed of a high-stiffness glass yarn grid. The open grid structure allows strikethrough and intimate contact between the asphalt layers above and below, and absorbs stress at low strains by bonding with the asphalt layers. The fabric component aids installation. The product provides a reinforcement function, as defined in EN 15381.